Benefits of Mercier Therapy:
- Increase uterine blood flow and lining quality
- Improves organ fertility
- Normalize hormone and endocrine systems
- Regulate menstrual cycle and ovulation
- Improve ovarian and hormone function for better quality follicles/eggs
- Increases scar tissue mobility
- Improve the success of IVF, IUI, and other technologies
- Decrease miscarriage
- Reduce pelvic and abdominal pain
Mercier Therapy
Mercier Therapy is a deep reproductive organ manipulation and mobilization technique that optimizes organ mobility and blood flow, while balancing organ and visceral ligamentous symmetry. By improving blood flow, mobility, and nervous system activity surrounding the reproductive organs, we improve organ and hormone function, increasing embryo implantation success. This gentle, non-invasive visceral manipulative technique is done abdominally and does not require vaginal work.
Conditions commonly treated with Mercier Therapy include:
High FSH, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Premature Ovarian Failure, Luteal Phase defects,Endometriosis, Autoimmune infertility, and Recurrent Miscarriage
Our Shared Fertility Journey
Our fertility program is customized to fit your unique needs. During your initial consultation, you can expect to discuss your health history and life experiences in order to explore possible contributing factors to your fertility challenges. The consultation also includes a gentle, external pelvic organ mobility evaluation.
Your initial consultation is your opportunity to evaluate if this is the right treatment for you. If you want to continue with our fertility program, we will schedule six 1-hour Mercier Therapy sessions to be performed over the course of 6 weeks.
Mercier Therapy and can be used as a stand-alone regime or in preparation for a medically assisted cycle such as ICI, IUI, orIVF.
We highly recommend that you prepare your body properly prior to starting any medically assisted fertility cycle to help increase the likelihood of a successful first cycle. The Shared Journey can be completed in time for your stim start.
If you are working to conceive on your own or utilizing at home ICI, you will be guided to monitor your ovulatory cycle along with our help for one year after your Mercier Therapy sessions end.
Payment Plans Available Upon Request
If you'd like to learn more about treatment effectiveness, read this available abstract.